OA Rep Resources
The Order of the Arrow unit representative is a youth scout serving between the local OA lodge or chapter and their home unit. In their unit, they will set a good example and encourage activeness within the unit. They will also serve as a communication and connection between their unit and our lodge, as well as other scouts and adult leaders that are not presently members of the OA. They will do this in a fashion that strengthens the mission of the lodge, purpose of the OA, and the mission of the Boy Scouts of America. By setting a good example, they will enhance the image of the OA as a service arm to their unit.
The OA Unit Representative Support Pack provides the information that will help these representatives understand their dual roles in their unit and in the Order of the Arrow. Included in this Pack is a collection of Frequently Asked Questions that can be used as a ready reference to answer questions that have already been addressed. In addition, the official job description of the unit representative has been included so that unit representatives, their advisers and their unit leaders will have a better understanding of their respective responsibilities.
Download the OA Unit Representative Support PackÂ